Code of Conduct

In the spirit of our Manifesto, we have partnered only with Brands that can sign our Code of Conduct to ensure transparency and the upholding of our values. 


1.1) Businesses must support and respect the protection of internationally proclaimed human rights, and
1.2) Make sure that they are not complicit in human rights abuses.
1.3) The premises must be regularly maintained and cleaned and must provide a healthy working environment.


2.1) Child labor is not accepted (No person shall be employed at an age younger than 15 (or 14 where the national law so allows) or younger than the legal age for employment if this age is higher than 15.)
2.2) The elimination of discrimination in respect of employment and occupation.
2.3) Wages must be paid regularly, on time, and must reflect the experience, qualifications and performance of the employee. Employers shall pay at least the statutory minimum wage, the prevailing industry wage or the wage negotiated in a collective agreement, whichever is higher. All other types of legally mandated benefits and compensations shall be paid. No unfair deductions are allowed, and the employee has the right to a written specification of how the wage has been calculated.
2.4) The employees shall be granted and correctly compensated for any types of paid leave to which they are legally entitled. Examples of such leave include annual leave, maternity/parental leave and sick leave.
2.5) Ordinary working hours must not exceed the legal limit and shall never exceed 48 hours per week. Employees are entitled to at least one day off in every seven-day period.


3.1) Businesses must support a precautionary approach to environmental challenges and
3.2) Undertake initiative to promote greater environmental responsibility.
3.3) Our suppliers must comply with all applicable environmental laws and regulations in the country of operation. In particular, we are concerned about how the production of our garments and other products contributes to climate change and water stress.


We recognise the conscious ethical decision not to use real animal fur in businesses where animals are used for materials in production and/or labor, such animals must be treated with dignity and respect.


5.1) Businesses and their designers must work actively to encourage sustainable design and design processes. 
5.2) We believe in co-operation and we are willing to work with our suppliers and other business partners to achieve sustainable solutions and to promote suppliers and other business partners who are in compliance.


6.1) Business must follow the national laws in the countries in which they operate. 
6.2) Businesses must work towards transparency in their supply chain.
6.3) Businesses must work against corruption in all its forms, including extortion and bribery.
6.4) ABURY expects all its suppliers and other business partners to respect this Code of Conduct and to actively do their utmost to achieve our standards.
6.5) Businesses must agree to show the production process and material sourcing through photo and/or film.
Hours of education
have been given back to the ABURY communities.


To pay fair salaries is a start, but not enough!
Every time you buy an ABURY product,
you are transforming its hours of production in hours of Education
to the Communities where the product was made.

Learn more about the ABURY Foundation and our projects
for social development in the ABURY communities.


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